Why Choose Us
Our competitive products are the RC products,we provide the OEM for our customers,we make mold for our customers,our RC products are sold to USA and Europe mainly,we provide 3D design service to customers,we work with many brand customers from USA and Eu Yufung has had ten years experience in the RC products.

"Help create memorable moments worldwide".

We are privately held and feel our main responsibilities are building quality RC products for customers, providing reliable service for dealers, and taking care of our employees. We recognize that not every decision is driven by the bottom line. We endeavor to constantly improve our operations in terms of sustainability, efficiency, and precision.

We are hobby enthusiasts who produce RC rubber tires,RC foam tires,RC wheels and foam inserts,we provide full products for the RC tires and spare parts. Our team has a broad range of interests, which helps us with one of the most exciting tasks we have: developing new products. Most of the crucial R/C devices have been around for decades, and the proven products are very hard to improve upon.

Recently, our engineers have made many molds with high quality,we work with many famous brand from USA like Nitro,Jconcepts and so on.We learned what it takes to design and build electronic components that endure against any possible circumstances we can imagine. We hope Yufung will further advance the RC industry.

Help create memorable moments worldwide.

Able To Demonstrate

ten tires mold machine
ten mold machine for tires production
foam tires rotating speed testing
quality checking for RC tires for different speed
tires gluing machine
RC tires automatically gluing machine
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